Monday, February 9, 2009


Our future will be very much defined by technology. First, robots would be like the TV sets. Each household has at least a robot to do things for them: cleaning the house, cooking dishes, fixing things in the house, bringing the children to sleep, and a lot more. Abodes also speak of technology, entries and exits are either scanned or voice activated. Appliances are minimal yet very functional. Another is the way people travel in the future. Cars flying en route the air are a common sight. In addition, these cars are parked in standing positions and occupy little spaces. Yet another example is the reproduction process. Both men and women can choose the manner of having a child in the family. To preserve their lineage (especially those of superior qualities), families can choose to have their DNA’s injected to healthy women. In short, human cloning is common. On the other hand, human beings stop reproducing and thus, eliminate the problem of overpopulation. Finally, if people stop reproducing, once a person dies, he or she can just be put in a capsule and cryogenically frozen and be put to life again at a specific time as stated in the contract.


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