Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daniel - Our Little Angel

Daniel is not only my sister's little angel but also ours. He arrived at a time when my mother was bored and wanted to be more productive. Thus, his birth was really much-awaited.

He is our angel. The first time we saw him in the nursery, we already know that he would be such an angel. He has a rosy complexion at birth and his long legs are very noticeable. We presumed he would be taller than the rest of our family. His face is round, his eyes big and round, his lashes long, and his lips really red.

As the days passed by, he proved to be a very charming baby. Despite the discomforts that he was experiencing, he always have a smile for us. He would respond to us whenever we talk to him, he always wanted to have someone with him. He does not want to be left alone. We would always take turns watching him and talking to him. He would smile at us especially when we play his favorite music - Edu Manzano's "papaya song."

He fills our house with warmth and tenderness. He make us stay longer in the house. Before he came, our house seemed empty. But when he came, there's never a dull moment

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